320 (2.1) Video of Radio Play & Performance

Mavi & I

I was happy with the way we performed the piece. I think we successfully added pauses & emphasis in the places where they needed to be. In my opinion I would've liked to have added a little more emotion into the script however there wasn't really an opportunity because the script was quite average.

People like my use of emphasis and pauses. We both stuck to our plans and decisions for our tone, pace, emotions, emphasis and pauses. I suggested that we speak in a very relaxed, conversational way which is how I imagined the writer would've wanted it to be when she wrote it. I think we could've improved the piece if there was a little more dialogue or if the dialogue was more detailed because then we could have put more emotion into certain places of the script.


Emily: Hey! How have you been? Its been like forever.

Rebecca: I know. I’m stressed out and I just need a break. What about you?

Emily: I’m ok. Just need a break from work.

Rebecca: How is work? You work in costa, right?

Emily: Yeah I do. They give me so many hours. Do you have a job yet?

Rebecca: No. I wish I did. Nowhere has got back to me yet. I need a job though.

Emily: You sort of do. How is your Family?

Rebecca: My Sister is at uni and my Mum and Dad are busy with work. What about you, how is your family?

Emily: My Mum is still getting over my Dad leaving us but me and my Brother are fine.

Rebecca: Have you seen your dad at all?

Emily: Yeah i have. His girlfriend is horrible.

Rebecca: Oh. You know you can come round anytime just call first.

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